Articles by "health enews Staff"

health enews Staff
health enews Staff

health enews staff is a group of experienced writers from our Advocate Health Care and Aurora Health Care sites, which also includes freelance or intern writers.

This author has already written 3950 Articles
Can you drown in a bathtub? 
Can you drown in a bathtub?
Well, obviously. But how common is it, and who’s most at risk?
How your mental health can affect your physical health  Featured
How your mental health can affect your physical health
‘When the brain is out of balance, it can affect our body’s response to fight off illness.’
Looking at screens all the time? Here’s how to take care of your eyes.  Featured
Looking at screens all the time? Here’s how to take care of your eyes.
It can be tough, but small steps can be a big help.
How much alcohol is too much? 
How much alcohol is too much?
Here’s what a study says about one gender.