Articles by "health enews Staff"
health enews staff is a group of experienced writers from our Advocate Health Care and Aurora Health Care sites, which also includes freelance or intern writers.
Eating disorders are often overlooked in boys. Learn the warning signs.
Armed with medical toys, seriously ill kids and their siblings can work through fears to a successful recovery.
Known as the “silent killer,” learn how this potentially life-threatening condition impacts healthy people.
Experts say strict feeding schedules won’t work for premature infants. Here’s four tips that can help.
The FDA says 12 percent of spices imported to the U.S. from overseas are contaminated. Learn more.
According to a new study, girls are maturing faster than ever before—and weight may be a key factor.
Teens and young adults are at a higher risk of suicidal tendencies after learning they have cancer, new research says.