Articles by "health enews Staff"

health enews Staff
health enews Staff

health enews staff is a group of experienced writers from our Advocate Health Care and Aurora Health Care sites, which also includes freelance or intern writers.

This author has already written 3950 Articles
Favre revelation spotlights football concussion dangers 
Favre revelation spotlights football concussion dangers
Are football players at risk for long-term problems? Learn more.
Teens’ sexual identity raises harassment rates 
Teens’ sexual identity raises harassment rates
New study finds that young lesbian and bisexual girls report more sexual harassment than their male gay and bisexual peers.
NFL fans take losses with an extra-large pizza 
NFL fans take losses with an extra-large pizza
A new study says football fans who root for the losing team tend to binge on foods loaded with fat and sugars.
New definition of “full-term pregnancy” 
New definition of “full-term pregnancy”
A new recommendation may change the date moms are considered ready to give birth.
Jerky treats are killing dogs 
Jerky treats are killing dogs
More than 3,500 dogs have been sickened and nearly 600 have died after eating certain pet treats. Learn more.
How CyberKnife saves lives  Featured
How CyberKnife saves lives
A recurring toothache leads one patient to treatment for a brain tumor.
Cancer 101: What you need to know 
Cancer 101: What you need to know
Cancer—one simple, yet scary word to hear regarding your health. Our expert offers a valuable lesson on terms to know.