Articles by "health enews Staff"

health enews Staff
health enews Staff

health enews staff is a group of experienced writers from our Advocate Health Care and Aurora Health Care sites, which also includes freelance or intern writers.

This author has already written 3950 Articles
What’s really inside a chicken nugget? 
What’s really inside a chicken nugget?
Though tasty and affordable, this fast food staple may be a hazard to your health.
Paying cash for lunch may save kids calories 
Paying cash for lunch may save kids calories
Using debit-card-only systems for school lunches may encourage students to choose high-calorie, less healthy food options.
New one-day treatment for breast cancer  Featured
New one-day treatment for breast cancer
A new clinical protocol gives patients in early stages of breast cancer faster healing options.
Debunking the ‘carbo-loading’ myth 
Debunking the ‘carbo-loading’ myth
Don’t overlook the importance of the right nutrition as you train for a marathon. Here’s what every marathoner should know.
Are pro athletes encouraging unhealthy eating? 
Are pro athletes encouraging unhealthy eating?
High profile sports figures are paid big bucks to pitch products, but your teens may be the ones paying the price.
How women can walk away breast cancer risks 
How women can walk away breast cancer risks
The benefits of regular exercise are many and now researchers say it could even lower the chances of getting this common cancer.
Got blisters?  Featured
Got blisters?
If you’re an occasional runner or seasoned-marathoner, blisters are a pain in the foot. Here’s how to treat and prevent them.