Articles by "health enews Staff"

health enews Staff
health enews Staff

health enews staff is a group of experienced writers from our Advocate Health Care and Aurora Health Care sites, which also includes freelance or intern writers.

This author has already written 3948 Articles
Hidden link between antidepressants and diabetes? 
Hidden link between antidepressants and diabetes?
A new study shows a higher incidence of diabetes in those using antidepressants. Find out why.
Parents: Skip talking about weight at the dinner table 
Parents: Skip talking about weight at the dinner table
A new study suggests that parents can help their teens avoid eating disorders by simply changing up dinner time conversations.
Is high intensity training good for heart patients? 
Is high intensity training good for heart patients?
Contrary to popular belief, a high-intensity workout may actually be beneficial for patients with heart disease.
What a ‘new baby smell’ does for moms 
What a ‘new baby smell’ does for moms
A new study shows that the aroma of newborns triggers a powerful reaction in the reward circuit of women’s brains.
FDA to regulate mobile medical apps 
FDA to regulate mobile medical apps
With nearly 17,000 health apps available, the agency will focus on the ones that don’t perform as promised.
Can napping enhance learning for preschoolers? 
Can napping enhance learning for preschoolers?
A new study shows a significant improvement in memory when children have regular nap time.
Moving on from a breast cancer diagnosis  Featured
Moving on from a breast cancer diagnosis
See how one breast cancer survivor kept her head high and found a new lease on life.