Articles by "health enews Staff"

health enews Staff
health enews Staff

health enews staff is a group of experienced writers from our Advocate Health Care and Aurora Health Care sites, which also includes freelance or intern writers.

This author has already written 3947 Articles
Tide turning in the fight against childhood obesity? 
Tide turning in the fight against childhood obesity?
A new report shows a decline in obesity rates among low-income preschoolers in 19 states. Could this be a trend?
Why pregnancy due dates can be way off 
Why pregnancy due dates can be way off
A new study highlights the difficulty in determining exactly when your bundle of joy will arrive. Learn why.
More proof automated external defibrillators save lives 
More proof automated external defibrillators save lives
New research says it’s critical for non-traditional exercise facilities to have automated external defibrillators on hand.
Can staying hydrated prevent kidney stones?  Featured
Can staying hydrated prevent kidney stones?
Our expert explains why drinking enough fluids during the summer heat reduces likelihood of developing kidney stones.
Real men wear pink 
Real men wear pink
A fleet of pink fire trucks donned with firefighters adorned in pink made special stops at Advocate Health Care hospitals to help raise awareness about cancer and show support for women.
How depression impacts your vision 
How depression impacts your vision
According to results of a new survey, there may be a strong link between vision problems and depression.
Can knee surgery lead to weight gain?  Featured
Can knee surgery lead to weight gain?
Find out why some researchers say people who have knee-replacement surgery are at a higher risk for putting on pounds than those who don’t have the operation.