Articles by "health enews Staff"
health enews staff is a group of experienced writers from our Advocate Health Care and Aurora Health Care sites, which also includes freelance or intern writers.
As an extension of National Women’s Health Week, Advocate Trinity Hospital in Chicago, hosted a very special Ladies Night Out event.
Longevity isn’t necessarily an indication of robust health. In fact, according to new research, the aging U.S. population is facing major and costly health challenges.
High heat can be especially dangerous for the elderly. Find out how you can help keep your loved ones, neighbors and friends safe this summer.
Learn how to identify tick bites, symptoms of Lyme disease and more.
New research shows green tea can vary from cup to cup. And some cups of green teas come up short on providing the healthy antioxidants the ancient beverage is widely known for. Learn more.
Find out why the days of limiting TV for kids is over for many young parents.
A new study says the bright screen on your phone or e-reader could be affecting your sleep. Here’s what you need to know.