Articles by "health enews Staff"
health enews staff is a group of experienced writers from our Advocate Health Care and Aurora Health Care sites, which also includes freelance or intern writers.
Pope’s resignation shocks everyone except senior care docs.
More and more U.S. moms are choosing to breastfeed their babies.
These days, everyone’s talking about concussions. From high school athletes to weekend warriors to gridiron stars—the sum of all those bruised, beaten brains can lead to serious health issues. But what if you’re an Average Joe? Do you have to worry about the consequences of serious head trauma years, even decades, after you’ve suffered a bump on the head?
Snapshot of Blizzard 2013 damage and what you can do to dig out safely after a snow storm.
Device makes weight loss easier with Type 2 diabetes.
It turns out men and women may be more unequal than we thought, especially when it comes to their knees. More women are getting knee replacements than their male counterparts and now there’s a new surgery designed specifically with women in mind. So whether you are younger or older, we’ve got the scoop on everything you should know when it comes to knee replacement surgery.
A new study shows that natural chemicals in green tea and red wine may help to block the disease pathway of Alzheimer’s.