Articles by "Vicki Martinka Petersen"

Vicki Martinka Petersen
Vicki Martinka Petersen

Vicki Martinka Petersen, health enews contributor, is a digital copywriter on the content team at Advocate Health Care and Aurora Health Care. A former newspaper reporter, she’s worked in health care communications for the last decade. In her spare time, Vicki enjoys tackling her to be read pile, trying new recipes, meditating, and planning fun activities to do in the Chicago area with her husband and son.

This author has already written 34 Articles
Smoking can be a pain in the neck or back, literally 
Smoking can be a pain in the neck or back, literally
Just another reason to quit smoking.
¿No tiene tiempo para el autocuidado? Pruebe esto. 
¿No tiene tiempo para el autocuidado? Pruebe esto.
Las microprácticas pueden ayudarle a priorizar su salud.
Are you a night owl or an early bird? 
Are you a night owl or an early bird?
Whenever you sleep, here’s how to get a good night’s rest.
Navigating perimenopause, also known as reverse puberty 
Navigating perimenopause, also known as reverse puberty
Perimenopause can begin sooner than you think.
Getting some self-care on a budget 
Getting some self-care on a budget
You don’t have to break the bank.
Why are women colder than men? 
Why are women colder than men?
Know when to see the doctor about your chills.
Longer vs. shorter workouts: Which keeps you healthier? 
Longer vs. shorter workouts: Which keeps you healthier?
Find out if multiple short workouts can be as effective at one long workout.