Can sound waves destroy prostate cancer? 
Can sound waves destroy prostate cancer?
Learn how a novel treatment option can reduce traditional side effects.
New advisory emphasizes the connection between alcohol and cancer 
New advisory emphasizes the connection between alcohol and cancer
Less than half of Americans know drinking increases their cancer risk.
Another reason to love dark chocolate 
Another reason to love dark chocolate
It may reduce your risk for this common condition.
Your hands may be susceptible to these 4 conditions 
Your hands may be susceptible to these 4 conditions
Your hands play a critical role in your everyday life. Here’s how to keep them injury-free.
Do you know the 5 most common sports injuries? 
Do you know the 5 most common sports injuries?
Learn how to avoid setting yourself up for injury.
Is it time for joint replacement? 
Is it time for joint replacement?
Why you shouldn’t wait too long for a hip or knee replacement.
You might be skewing your blood pressure reading 
You might be skewing your blood pressure reading
These small habitual actions may cause an inaccurate reading.