How my perception of beauty changed once I had kids 
How my perception of beauty changed once I had kids
My children have taught me that feeling beautiful is about more than what you put on your face or the clothes you wear.
1 in 4 kids sexually harassed by friends online 
1 in 4 kids sexually harassed by friends online
Learn the importance of having an open dialogue with your child about their online activity.
How working from home can affect a company’s culture 
How working from home can affect a company’s culture
While many love having the benefit of ‘telecommuting,’ this philosophy can decrease morale for those in the office.
Can your social relationships increase your lifespan? 
Can your social relationships increase your lifespan?
A new study suggests there may be a connection between social networks and physical well-being.
New research casts doubt on ‘midlife crisis’ 
New research casts doubt on ‘midlife crisis’
A study says middle age may be the high point of our happiness, not our lowest.
Why are we so fascinated with true crime stories? 
Why are we so fascinated with true crime stories?
Learn why we gravitate to series like ‘Making a Murderer’ and podcasts like ‘Serial.’
Forget food as a reward, give yourself a prize 
Forget food as a reward, give yourself a prize
Research finds that our brains enjoy inedible prizes just as much as junk food.