Could video games help children with ADHD? 
Could video games help children with ADHD?
A game is being produced to help increase focus and concentration, but pediatricians urge parents to be cautious.
Why do college-aged women get tattoos? 
Why do college-aged women get tattoos?
A study takes a look at the correlation between emotions and body art.
Kids can have bipolar disorder, too 
Kids can have bipolar disorder, too
Learn what behaviors could signal that a child has this condition.
How giving back boosts your health 
How giving back boosts your health
Charitable donations can lower chances of having high blood pressure, lung disease and arthritis, according to research.
4 tips to stop being a people pleaser  Featured
4 tips to stop being a people pleaser
Always trying to make others happy can have a negative impact on your mental health.
Child life specialists make play their work 
Child life specialists make play their work
Learn how child life specialists make hospital visits less intimidating for your child, and you too.
How sadness can affect what colors we see 
How sadness can affect what colors we see
A study shows that our mood can impact the way we perceive some colors.