Helping seniors spot depression 
Helping seniors spot depression
When it comes to seniors, knowing the signs of depression can help prevent it before it starts.
Stressed out? Read this  Featured
Stressed out? Read this
Life’s pressures can lead to stress. In the short term, stress might not be a bad thing, but chronic stress can be dangerous. Getting a handle on it is essential, physicians say.
Can major stress put your pregnancy at risk? 
Can major stress put your pregnancy at risk?
Stressful, traumatic events can lead to stillbirth, new research says. Learn which stressful events are the most common and how they affect pregnancy.
Can parent arguments hurt a child’s mental development? 
Can parent arguments hurt a child’s mental development?
New study sheds light on just how much kids are affected when their parents fight.
Video games linked to violent behavior 
Video games linked to violent behavior
New study gives parents another reason to rethink allowing their children to play violent video games.
Valerie Harper: “I’m not dying until I do” 
Valerie Harper: “I’m not dying until I do”
How one celebrity is inspiring others to keep living life with heart regardless of their health diagnosis.
Facebook: Hobby, habit or addiction?  Featured
Facebook: Hobby, habit or addiction?
People say they’re “giving up” Facebook for all sorts of reasons: Maybe it’s after a bad break-up or during Lent. Maybe they are just plain tired of the drama. A leading psychiatrist lays it on the line about how Facebook truly can be an obsession.