Is this the solution to staying heart healthy? 
Is this the solution to staying heart healthy?
Do you see the glass as half empty or half full? 
When staying home isn’t safe 
When staying home isn’t safe
There’s been a recent increase in domestic abuse.
Could negativity affect your lifespan? 
Could negativity affect your lifespan?
One study researched this possibility on healthy aging.
Understanding worry: Prepare, don’t panic 
Understanding worry: Prepare, don’t panic
Here’s one resource that might be available to you.
What can be learned from Kanye West  Featured
What can be learned from Kanye West
West is publicly battling a mental illness, but he is not alone. The struggles that many minorities face today brings light to issues that can no longer be ignored.
A hidden danger of COVID-19 
A hidden danger of COVID-19
This isn’t the time to self-medicate.
Cutting back on your drinking could help you with this 
Cutting back on your drinking could help you with this
Researchers looked at results from 41,000 moderate drinkers and non-drinkers.