People with these characteristics are happiest 
People with these characteristics are happiest
The good news is that it’s never too late to change your traits. Learn how to exemplify them each day.
Your diet can impact ADHD symptoms 
Your diet can impact ADHD symptoms
Learn how you can naturally reduce symptoms of ADHD and improve overall concentration.
7 ways to support a loved one’s mental health 
7 ways to support a loved one’s mental health
Address this often ‘taboo’ topic by stepping out of your comfort zone. Although, don’t forget about your own well-being.
Do you need some more green in your life? 
Do you need some more green in your life?
If you’re stressed out, getting an indoor plant might help and you don’t even need to have a green thumb.
Your mental health as a teen may impact your heart later 
Your mental health as a teen may impact your heart later
Teens who feel happy, loved and optimistic may have a better health outlook as an adult – especially those in this demographic.
Are you reliving past trauma? 
Are you reliving past trauma?
Trauma can have a lasting impact whether it’s related to physical harm, emotional damage or natural disasters.
Could a darkness retreat help your mental health? 
Could a darkness retreat help your mental health?
A look into this ancient mental health practice that regained popularity thanks to a famous athlete.