7 tips to live to 100 
7 tips to live to 100
Learn more about lifestyle habits followed by residents of “Blue Zones,” where people live the longest.
People with clean homes do these three things 
People with clean homes do these three things
These tips will help keep your home clean and your health in check.
Is your social circle shrinking? 
Is your social circle shrinking?
A new study suggests the answer depends on your age and gender.
Is “drunkorexia” a risky trend?  Featured
Is “drunkorexia” a risky trend?
New research discovers the majority of college students are compromising their health to avoid weight gain while excessively drinking.
How to beat the heat 
How to beat the heat
With an excessive heat warning in effect today and tomorrow, it’s important to understand the risks of heat-related illnesses and know how to keep cool.
Do opposites attract? The answer depends on your relationship status 
Do opposites attract? The answer depends on your relationship status
New research finds that when it comes to couples, birds of a feather do flock together.
Early bird or night owl: The answer may affect your personality 
Early bird or night owl: The answer may affect your personality
The time you wake up and go to sleep could also affect your quality of life.