Is this silent killer more likely to affect African Americans? 
Is this silent killer more likely to affect African Americans?
Every four minutes, someone in the U.S. dies from it…
Jeopardy’s Alex Trebek has brain surgery  Featured
Jeopardy’s Alex Trebek has brain surgery
The 77-year-old legendary gameshow host announces the news on the Jeopardy! YouTube channel.
Is this what’s causing your migraines?  Featured
Is this what’s causing your migraines?
It might be the reason why you’re getting such painful headaches.
Can’t sleep? Don’t do this 
Can’t sleep? Don’t do this
One reason a restful night eludes you could be relatively easy to fix.
What Rev. Jesse Jackson’s Parkinson’s diagnosis means  Featured
What Rev. Jesse Jackson’s Parkinson’s diagnosis means
More than 10 million people worldwide are living with the disease.
After being declared brain dead, a second opinion gave this man another chance at life 
After being declared brain dead, a second opinion gave this man another chance at life
Dean Fasel told his co-workers he thought his brain was bleeding. He was right.
Botox for children?  Featured
Botox for children?
Find out how the injections just might bring your child relief.