Gum chewing can lead to migraines in kids 
Gum chewing can lead to migraines in kids
Teens who quit chewing gum found almost immediate relief from pounding headaches, a new study shows.
Sleep speeds concussion recovery in kids 
Sleep speeds concussion recovery in kids
New research shows rest can dramatically help child athletes who suffer a blow to the head.
Part of our brains may be untouched by aging 
Part of our brains may be untouched by aging
Experts find that our “spatial skills” remain youthful throughout our lives.
Young minds benefit from bedtime routines 
Young minds benefit from bedtime routines
A new study finds that children with irregular bedtimes score lower in reading and math.
New research may offer seniors better care 
New research may offer seniors better care
Find out what scientists are doing to offer older patients with chronic conditions better treatment.
Anxiety linked to stroke in first-ever study 
Anxiety linked to stroke in first-ever study
New research finds a troubling mind-body connection.
Heart disease, stroke still top health threats 
Heart disease, stroke still top health threats
The American Heart Association hopes a new report serves as a wake-up call for people to take charge of their health.