Painless radiation stops dangerous brain tumor 
Painless radiation stops dangerous brain tumor
A minimally invasive radiation procedure called Cyberknife, shrinks tumors without hospital stays and long recovery periods. Here’s a success story.
Senator Mark Kirk’s stroke raises awareness 
Senator Mark Kirk’s stroke raises awareness
Illinois Senator Mark Kirk’s inspiring story put stroke in the national spotlight. Here are tips to help you recognize stroke and get help fast.
Brain structure may hold key to kids’ math learning 
Brain structure may hold key to kids’ math learning
A child’s ability to benefit from math tutoring may be linked to three regions in the brain.
Multitasking while driving can be deadly, experts warn 
Multitasking while driving can be deadly, experts warn
New research says many people overate their ability to multitask while driving, which is putting them and others at risk.
Shocking facial pain often misdiagnosed, mistreated 
Shocking facial pain often misdiagnosed, mistreated
Medication may not be enough to handle an uncommon nerve disorder. Learn more about the causes and treatments of trigeminal neuralgia.
Stroke survivor calls treatment a miracle  Featured
Stroke survivor calls treatment a miracle
Susan Sobanski’s life was hanging in the balance after she had a stroke at home. Quick action and cutting-edge stroke treatment from a team of experts saved her life.
Dual approach to treating brain tumors  Featured
Dual approach to treating brain tumors
Brain tumors require fast action. Read how a team of brain tumor experts at Advocate Christ Medical Center helped to get a 40-something fashionista back to health.