Deaths from prescription drug overdose surge 
Deaths from prescription drug overdose surge
Deaths from prescription drug abuse on the rise for 11 straight years.
Does Asperger’s cause violent behavior? 
Does Asperger’s cause violent behavior?
In the wake of Sandy Hook, an Advocate expert offers insights on Asperger’s syndrome and its link to violence.
Attack of the brain 
Attack of the brain
How to recognize the signs and symptoms of a stroke—and what you can do about it.
Decades later, head trauma can lead to memory loss, other issues  Featured
Decades later, head trauma can lead to memory loss, other issues
These days, everyone’s talking about concussions. From high school athletes to weekend warriors to gridiron stars—the sum of all those bruised, beaten brains can lead to serious health issues. But what if you’re an Average Joe? Do you have to worry about the consequences of serious head trauma years, even decades, after you’ve suffered a bump on the head?
Smoking ban for patients with mental illnesses 
Smoking ban for patients with mental illnesses
More mental health facilities ban smoking for patients with mental illnesses.
Green tea and red wine may interrupt Alzheimer’s 
Green tea and red wine may interrupt Alzheimer’s
A new study shows that natural chemicals in green tea and red wine may help to block the disease pathway of Alzheimer’s.
Obesity in girls linked to multiple sclerosis 
Obesity in girls linked to multiple sclerosis
New study may link childhood obesity to multiple sclerosis.