Life after cancer 
Life after cancer
At 21, Kourtney Thomas was diagnosed with breast cancer. She survived, and three years later gave birth to her son. Watch her inspiring story.
An Iron Woman Spirit 
An Iron Woman Spirit
Meet Dr. Rhonda. She discovered breast cancer through a self-exam and used her active lifestyle to cope with her diagnosis and celebrate survivorship.
Using the arts to heal cancer patients 
Using the arts to heal cancer patients
Recent research finds that creative arts therapy may reduce anxiety, depression and more in cancer patients.
Health risks of dense breast tissue 
Health risks of dense breast tissue
Experts say dense breast tissue can hide abnormalities. Here’s what you need to know.
Smokers to benefit from government decision  Featured
Smokers to benefit from government decision
Current or former smokers worried about lung cancer may soon have easier access to a low-dose CT scan for screening.
New one-day treatment for breast cancer  Featured
New one-day treatment for breast cancer
A new clinical protocol gives patients in early stages of breast cancer faster healing options.
How women can walk away breast cancer risks 
How women can walk away breast cancer risks
The benefits of regular exercise are many and now researchers say it could even lower the chances of getting this common cancer.