Beefed-up anti-smoking policies hope to save millions of lives 
Beefed-up anti-smoking policies hope to save millions of lives
A new report from the World Health Organization shows that increased anti-smoking measures may save scores of lives over the next 30 years.
Young women more likely to survive melanoma than men of the same age 
Young women more likely to survive melanoma than men of the same age
A new study finds that gender plays a role when it comes to surviving the deadliest form of skin cancer.
Hearing loss a new threat for obese adolescents, study finds 
Hearing loss a new threat for obese adolescents, study finds
Health threats from obesity are widely known but now a new problem may be affecting obese teens. Learn more.
Cancer tests: What you need to know  Featured
Cancer tests: What you need to know
Physicians say tests to detect cancer are not all created equal. Find out which ones the experts recommend.
Is reconstructive breast surgery an option after a mastectomy? 
Is reconstructive breast surgery an option after a mastectomy?
Following a mastectomy, many women decide to undergo reconstructive breast surgery. Here’s what you need to know.
Full court press: NBA executive’s fight against cancer  Featured
Full court press: NBA executive’s fight against cancer
Orlando Magic co-founder, Pat Williams, takes life one-day-at-a-time battling a rare form of cancer, multiple myeloma.
Smart sun play 
Smart sun play
Enjoying the sunshine doesn’t have to burn. With a little planning, you can stay healthy and safe while taking in the rays.