Advocate Health Care Hospice chaplain, Saul Ebema, reflects on his role—helping provide spiritual guidance and support to patients facing end of life.
Health advocates urge federal lawmakers to put age restrictions on tanning salons.
Opinions go back and forth about whether eating meat can raise the risk of colon cancer. Whether we land on an answer or not, here are three truths to consider the next time meat is on the menu.
Most people know that obesity can lead to heart disease and diabetes but aren’t clued in to the fact it can also lead to cancer. Doctors say if more people knew all of the risks, they might be motivated to shed those unwanted pounds.
Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men in the United States. But with the right care, you can detect it, treat it — and survive it. Spotting it sooner than later, doctors say, is the key.
Even at the risk of adding pounds after quitting smoking, a new study says quit anyway.
Studies may show aspirin helps reduce the risk of the deadliest skin cancer, but preventative measures may make the most sense.