Cancer survivor urges others to maintain regular check-ups 
Cancer survivor urges others to maintain regular check-ups
The pandemic didn’t stop this assistant principal from seeking the lifesaving treatment she needed.
¿Es seguro reiniciar las pruebas de detección de cáncer? 
¿Es seguro reiniciar las pruebas de detección de cáncer?
Los expertos urgen a los consumidores a reiniciar las pruebas de detección de cáncer, cuyo número bajó dramáticamente durante el COVID.
How cancer has made her stronger 
How cancer has made her stronger
She was pressured into finally getting a screening.
Cancer ‘alarm’ symptoms you should know 
Cancer ‘alarm’ symptoms you should know
Research shows increased body vigilance is crucial in diagnosing cancer early.
One woman’s dog influenced her to get a screening 
One woman’s dog influenced her to get a screening
Are you eligible for one?
Las mujeres latinas corren un mayor riesgo de padecer este cáncer 
Las mujeres latinas corren un mayor riesgo de padecer este cáncer
Las mujeres hispanas y latinas tienen más del doble de probabilidades de recibir este diagnóstico y 30% más de probabilidades de morir por esta enfermedad […]
Sugary drinks could put you at increased risk for this 
Sugary drinks could put you at increased risk for this
Everything in moderation.