“Find joy in every day” 
“Find joy in every day”
Meet Tina, a breast cancer survivor, determined to enjoy every minute of every day.
What one woman wants you to know about being diagnosed with breast cancer  Featured
What one woman wants you to know about being diagnosed with breast cancer
Abby Gage never thought it would happen to her. But then it did.
Breast cancer wasn’t on my summer break ‘to do’ list 
Breast cancer wasn’t on my summer break ‘to do’ list
A breast cancer survivor shares her story of gratitude and strength.
Blog: Surviving caregiver trauma 
Blog: Surviving caregiver trauma
Advocate’s vice president of mission and spiritual care explains how fostering staff resilience can transform work and daily living for pediatric caregivers.
Blog: Discovering art therapy, the silver lining 
Blog: Discovering art therapy, the silver lining
A mother of four whose daughter has cancer explains why she is profoundly grateful.
Quiz: Is it cancer? 
Quiz: Is it cancer?
Is a mole tinged with blue a sign of malignant melanoma? Does prostate cancer have symptoms early on? Test your knowledge.
Eating oily fish may boost colon cancer survival 
Eating oily fish may boost colon cancer survival
A gastroenterologist weighs in and offers advice to reduce your risk.