AHA takes a stand on e-cigarettes 
AHA takes a stand on e-cigarettes
The American Heart Association is recommending stricter regulations on electronic cigarettes.
HPV vaccine has long-lasting effect 
HPV vaccine has long-lasting effect
Kids are recommended as young as nine to get an HPV vaccination shot.
Many women don’t choose breast reconstruction 
Many women don’t choose breast reconstruction
After a mastectomy, nearly half of women with breast cancer opt out of the reconstruction surgery. Get the details.
Is robotic surgery best treatment choice for bladder cancer? 
Is robotic surgery best treatment choice for bladder cancer?
The high tech tool offers a number of advantages but may not be the best option for some procedures.
What is dense breast tissue? 
What is dense breast tissue?
Our expert discusses how to screen for breast cancer in women with dense breasts.
Overall lung cancer rates dropping in U.S. 
Overall lung cancer rates dropping in U.S.
Check out the results of a recent National Cancer Institute study.
New cancer classifications could mean better treatment 
New cancer classifications could mean better treatment
Using genetic data to reclassify some cancers may offer more accurate diagnoses. Get the details.