3 steps for healthy skin 
3 steps for healthy skin
Find out what products are right for your skin type.
Are men more likely to get skin cancer?  Featured
Are men more likely to get skin cancer?
Since it’s possible to get sunburned in the winter, a dermatologist offers tips to protect yourself all year long.
Your right arm could indicate your melanoma risk 
Your right arm could indicate your melanoma risk
The number of moles on your right arm could prove to be a quick, reliable indicator of your skin cancer risk.
Are trendy man buns causing acute baldness? 
Are trendy man buns causing acute baldness?
Dermatologists are treating guys for traction alopecia more than ever before.
How to choose the right sunscreen  Featured
How to choose the right sunscreen
If you’re confused by sunscreen options, read this.
What is Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome? 
What is Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome?
Learn about this rare disorder that affects joints, skin and blood vessels.
Sunburn art leaves a lasting mark 
Sunburn art leaves a lasting mark
Experts warn that this trendy way of applying sunscreen could have serious consequences.