Can red wine help you breathe easier? 
Can red wine help you breathe easier?
You’ve probably heard red wine can reduce your risk of heart disease. But new research finds another surprising benefit.
Tips to stay full on a diet 
Tips to stay full on a diet
Certain foods help satisfy hunger and prevent overeating. Find out what a dietitian recommends.
Infographic: Understanding your cravings  Featured
Infographic: Understanding your cravings
Are you constantly feeling the urge for a salty or sweet snack? Your body may be telling you something.
Want to lose weight? These 7 things will help jump-start the process 
Want to lose weight? These 7 things will help jump-start the process
Shedding pounds can be difficult at any age. Doing seven simple things before noon can help make your weight loss plan a success.
7 secrets of women who turned around their health and wellness 
7 secrets of women who turned around their health and wellness
A physician specializing in medical wellness and obesity medicine has coached many women to achieve optimal health. Their secrets revealed.
Are these popular diet mantras fact or fiction? 
Are these popular diet mantras fact or fiction?
A dietitian weighs in on five common diet myths and offers advice for people trying to lose weight.
How the sugar industry shifted blame to influence what we eat 
How the sugar industry shifted blame to influence what we eat
New documents reveal the the Sugar Research Foundation influenced a pivotal study on diet and heart disease.