The health benefits of deep-fried vegetables 
The health benefits of deep-fried vegetables
Research reveals that frying certain foods with EVOO might make them more nutritious.
Infographic: 5 tips to prevent mindless eating 
Infographic: 5 tips to prevent mindless eating
Are you really hungry? Check yourself before you wreck your diet.
How to beat heart disease  Featured
How to beat heart disease
An expert cardiologist offers tips on living a healthier life.
One in five people worldwide will be obese by 2025 
One in five people worldwide will be obese by 2025
If trends continue, nearly half of all Americans will be obese ten years from now.
How to stay full while on a diet 
How to stay full while on a diet
Foods like beans and chickpeas could help satisfy hunger and prevent overeating.
5 tips to eat more fruits & veggies 
5 tips to eat more fruits & veggies
Here are 5 easy ways to incorporate more fruits and vegetables for a healthy, balanced diet.
Drink more water to cut calorie consumption 
Drink more water to cut calorie consumption
Research shows that water may help with weight management and provide other health benefits.