Even at the risk of adding pounds after quitting smoking, a new study says quit anyway.
Sweet drinks can drive kids to consume more calories than they need, researchers say—giving parents another reason to help their kids think twice before they hydrate.
Tired from a night of little sleep? One way to keep your energy up is by eating, but researchers say you’re likely to pack on extra pounds.
As National Nutrition Month gets into full swing, we’re taking a closer look at what you can do to make sure you are dining healthy.
There is no shortage of diets and pills promising weight loss. But the Mediterranean diet is one plan on the market that may actually work.
New study suggests that cold hard cash may be enough to buy a person’s willpower to shed unwanted pounds.
The price tag of caring for patients with diabetes is at $245 billion and rising with more U.S. adults and children diagnosed with the disease every year.