Can you really gain weight overnight?  Featured
Can you really gain weight overnight?
Here’s why the number on the scale is never the same.
7 foods that actually make you more hungry 
7 foods that actually make you more hungry
These foods might look good, but eating them can stir your appetite. Find out which foods are the top offenders.
These foods are good for your heart and your waistline 
These foods are good for your heart and your waistline
This way of eating may be better for losing weight than a low-fat diet.
This is why certain trendy diets don’t work for everyone  Featured
This is why certain trendy diets don’t work for everyone
One size doesn’t always fit all.
Going nuts for heart health 
Going nuts for heart health
Here are some dos and don’ts when it comes to eating nuts.
What’s healthier – fresh or frozen produce?  Featured
What’s healthier – fresh or frozen produce?
When it comes to fruits and vegetables, many people believe fresh is best. But is that true?
Should you try the Nordic diet?  Featured
Should you try the Nordic diet?
See what’s behind this healthy way of eating that’s also friendly to the environment.