5 commonly asked protein questions answered 
5 commonly asked protein questions answered
Which foods are the best sources of protein? Why is it important? Find out here.
5 beverages to help you lose weight 
5 beverages to help you lose weight
Looking for something to sip on before bed? Some drinks can actually help you burn fat and build muscle while you sleep.
Does an egg a day keep the cardiologist away? 
Does an egg a day keep the cardiologist away?
A cardiologist weighs in on the leading cause of death worldwide.
Are you “overfat?” 
Are you “overfat?”
The condition may affect 90% of men and 80% of women in the U.S.
This trendy tea has preventative and healing traits 
This trendy tea has preventative and healing traits
It’s been known for centuries to lower cholesterol and protect against cancer. Should it replace your morning cup of joe?
Looking to lose belly fat?  Featured
Looking to lose belly fat?
An expert offers these 9 tips to re-boot your diet and exercise regimen.
6 quick tips to cut calories 
6 quick tips to cut calories
Everyone loves a good meal, but can you enjoy your food and stay health conscious?