Alcohol and your heart: What you need to know 
Alcohol and your heart: What you need to know
Is it good for you or not?
Can eating these two things prevent cancer? 
Can eating these two things prevent cancer?
New research reveals how certain foods and drinks can impact your risk.
Consider these weight loss tips to help prevent osteoarthritis  Featured
Consider these weight loss tips to help prevent osteoarthritis
Healthy body weight helps prevent arthritis. A total joint specialist offers ideas on shedding the extra pounds.
What are empty calories?  Featured
What are empty calories?
And how many are you eating every day?
Is this more effective than acid reflux medication? 
Is this more effective than acid reflux medication?
Research suggests you might want to make a dramatic change.
Can food fight depression?  Featured
Can food fight depression?
The mood disorder is generally not a preventable illness, so what can your diet do?
Is the five-second rule a myth? 
Is the five-second rule a myth?
Fact or fiction?