Dark circles under your eyes? This food could help. 
Dark circles under your eyes? This food could help.
An expert offers tips to diminish their appearance and help avoid them altogether.
10 simple breakfast options to help you lose weight  Featured
10 simple breakfast options to help you lose weight
There are two keys to any healthy breakfast. A dietitian offers advice to stay on track.
Infographic: 8 unexpected foods that can rob you of sleep 
Infographic: 8 unexpected foods that can rob you of sleep
Trouble getting rest? These popular foods and drinks may be the culprits.
Simple ways to sneak in fitness  Featured
Simple ways to sneak in fitness
Think spring break means falling off the fitness wagon? It won’t if you follow these tips.
Did you know this is one of the most versatile vegetables? 
Did you know this is one of the most versatile vegetables?
It can be used for pizza crusts, mashed potatoes and even made into a mac and cheese alternative.
Infographic: The 6 worst foods for your brain 
Infographic: The 6 worst foods for your brain
While it’s not known for certain what causes dementia, certain foods have been linked to brain decline. What to avoid.
Gluten-free diet myths debunked 
Gluten-free diet myths debunked
While you may not be gluten-free, you likely know someone who is. A dietitian shares some common misconceptions.