What you can learn from Ryan Reynolds’ colonoscopy 
What you can learn from Ryan Reynolds’ colonoscopy
He lost a bet, and he’s happy he did.
Why does asparagus make your pee smell?  Featured
Why does asparagus make your pee smell?
A urologist explains the science behind the smell.
3 things to know before buying probiotics  Featured
3 things to know before buying probiotics
Supplements may help, but they’re not all the same.
Cuatro cosas que debe saber antes de su primera colonoscopia 
Cuatro cosas que debe saber antes de su primera colonoscopia
Un médico explica por qué no debe preocuparse.
How common are complications after an endoscopic procedure? 
How common are complications after an endoscopic procedure?
And what symptoms should you look out for?
Do you know the signs of lactose intolerance? 
Do you know the signs of lactose intolerance?
And is there a cure?
Does gum stay in your stomach for 7 years? 
Does gum stay in your stomach for 7 years?
Get the scoop on this rubbery treat from an expert.