Watching your budget? You can still eat healthy.  Featured
Watching your budget? You can still eat healthy.
It can seem difficult, but it doesn’t have to be.
Her life is a reminder why this could save yours 
Her life is a reminder why this could save yours
‘Well, Mrs. Wisconsin had colon cancer,’ she said.
Some unknown benefits of dairy 
Some unknown benefits of dairy
The study comes at an interesting time as milk consumption in the U.S. continues to decline.
Why you shouldn’t put off your colonoscopy  Featured
Why you shouldn’t put off your colonoscopy
An expert weighs in on why patients are scared.
How much protein should you be eating? 
How much protein should you be eating?
Many people aren’t consuming enough – or are consuming too much.
How do you know when a pain is a kidney stone? 
How do you know when a pain is a kidney stone?
And how do you prevent them from forming?