Could a very popular diet trend be toxic? 
Could a very popular diet trend be toxic?
Cutting this out of your diet may come with an increased intake of poisonous metals that can lead to serious health issues.
Abdominal pain, bloating, nausea?  Featured
Abdominal pain, bloating, nausea?
More than 50 million people suffer from a condition that causes these symptoms. Learn more about indicators.
These foods may be the key to helping you stay strong as you age 
These foods may be the key to helping you stay strong as you age
Muscle atrophy is a major concern as we get older. But research shows what you eat may help prevent certain declines.
3 tips for a healthy digestive system 
3 tips for a healthy digestive system
Here’s what to do if you experience abdominal discomfort.
Ask a doc: Am I lactose intolerant, or is it an allergy?  Featured
Ask a doc: Am I lactose intolerant, or is it an allergy?
An estimated 30 to 50 million Americans have lactose intolerance. Do you know what symptoms to look for?
Missing an appendix? You could be missing out 
Missing an appendix? You could be missing out
A new study suggests this seemingly useless organ may have a use after all.
6 surprising benefits of cheese 
6 surprising benefits of cheese
Did you know certain cheeses can boost your metabolism? An expert explains why you should say “pass the cheese please.”