Yes, probiotics really work  Featured
Yes, probiotics really work
Should you start taking these supplements? Learn more.
How to choose a healthy breakfast 
How to choose a healthy breakfast
Check out these ways to make your cereal bowl delicious and nutritious.
Choking on food could be a sign of an allergy 
Choking on food could be a sign of an allergy
More kids, like Brian Scott, are being diagnosed with the condition, EoE.
What parents need to know about Crohn’s disease 
What parents need to know about Crohn’s disease
Learn more about the diagnosis and treatment of this condition.
Cutting carbs may help fight colon cancer  Featured
Cutting carbs may help fight colon cancer
A study found that eating fewer carbs may increase your chance of beating colon cancer.
Dietitians key to helping kids cope with food allergies 
Dietitians key to helping kids cope with food allergies
Parents don’t have to manage their child’s food allergies alone. A nutrition professional offers best results.
Not so very merry cruise 
Not so very merry cruise
Beware of the norovirus – another outbreak dampens passengers’ holiday at sea.