Overcoming a rare voice disorder  Featured
Overcoming a rare voice disorder
Our expert shares how a surprising treatment is helping people affected by an uncommon voice condition.
Caffeine: Does the liver good? 
Caffeine: Does the liver good?
Can caffeine really be good for your liver? A new study reports that your strong cup of coffee may be good for your health.
What to ask your doctor before taking dietary supplements 
What to ask your doctor before taking dietary supplements
Nearly half of all Americans take dietary supplements. Do you know the risks?
Thrill-seekers like their food hot and spicy 
Thrill-seekers like their food hot and spicy
Whether you like spicy foods or not, a new study says your taste buds can tell a lot about your personality.
Is it heartburn or something more serious? 
Is it heartburn or something more serious?
Your frequent heartburn might be masking a deadly disease. Here’s what you need to know.
Dangerous stomach bug sweeping the nation 
Dangerous stomach bug sweeping the nation
The CDC is reporting a widespread stomach bug popping up across multiple states in the U.S. Here’s what you need to know.
Gut reaction: Is your diet affecting the way you think  Featured
Gut reaction: Is your diet affecting the way you think
Bucking the age-old adage “We are what we eat,” a new study on the gut-brain connection may indicate “We may think what we eat.”