Blog: Giving dad a second chance… by giving him my kidney 
Blog: Giving dad a second chance… by giving him my kidney
An Advocate patient representative shares how the life-saving donation changed her dad’s life, and her own.
health enews reader survey 
health enews reader survey
We want your feedback! Please take a few minutes to take this brief 6-question survey. And for your time, you will be entered to win a Fitbit Charge HR.
Prevent hair sweat after a workout? 
Prevent hair sweat after a workout?
Some physicians are skeptical of the “Blowtox” fad that is catching on among female fitness fanatics.
Is it safe to let your baby sleep in the car seat? 
Is it safe to let your baby sleep in the car seat?
A study encourages parents to move young kids to a crib or bassinet when they are sleeping.
Common ingredient in nail polish may be harmful for women 
Common ingredient in nail polish may be harmful for women
A small study looks at how a chemical found in this beauty product could affect reproductive systems.
Can birth order determine your personality and IQ level? 
Can birth order determine your personality and IQ level?
Oldest children might be more extroverted and wiser, but the differences are slight.
Drink a beer to protect your brain? 
Drink a beer to protect your brain?
A pint of your favorite beverage may have some health advantages. Get the details.