Create a homework friendly environment to help kids succeed 
Create a homework friendly environment to help kids succeed
Make after-school assignments less stressful with these tips.
3 tips to bring your run indoors  Featured
3 tips to bring your run indoors
Here’s how to make the most of your next run on the treadmill.
Why do we sneeze? 
Why do we sneeze?
An otolaryngologist explains what happens in the human body to cause us to say ah-choo.
Blood pressure linked to spouse’s stress level 
Blood pressure linked to spouse’s stress level
Husbands are more negatively affected by a wife’s chronic stress.
Folic acid may help to prevent stroke 
Folic acid may help to prevent stroke
The nutrient women take to help prevent birth defects may also lower stroke risk.
Target heart rate calculator 
Target heart rate calculator
When you exercise, are you doing enough? Your heart rate can tell you.
5 ways to combat dry skin 
5 ways to combat dry skin
Learn how to keep your skin healthy during the cold, winter months.