#FitnessFriday: Cardio kickboxing 101  Featured
#FitnessFriday: Cardio kickboxing 101
Watch and learn the benefits of this high-energy workout.
Your guide to guilt-free baking  Featured
Your guide to guilt-free baking
Slash calories while keeping the flavor of your favorite sweets.
3 common mistakes at the gym 
3 common mistakes at the gym
Learn from a fitness expert how to have an effective, efficient and safe workout.
Cut fat not carbs to lose weight 
Cut fat not carbs to lose weight
If you are trying to drop a few pounds, one study says this is the best way to do it.
Infographic: 6 misconceptions about Down syndrome 
Infographic: 6 misconceptions about Down syndrome
Learn the truth behind the myths surrounding this condition.
What do marathoners think about while running? 
What do marathoners think about while running?
A new study takes a look at what runners think about while spending hours pounding the pavement.
25.3 million Americans experience pain daily 
25.3 million Americans experience pain daily
Experts offer advice on managing chronic conditions.