How to workout at work 
How to workout at work
Learn some simple tips on how you can stay active in the office.
Will concussions kill high school football? 
Will concussions kill high school football?
This sport in Illinois could be a thing of the past if a class-action lawsuit prevails.
Dining out once a week linked to hypertension 
Dining out once a week linked to hypertension
Learn more about the health hazards of restaurant meals.
Intense exercise linked to longer lifespan 
Intense exercise linked to longer lifespan
Mortality rates for people who do hard workouts are lower than those who do easier routines.
Which popular weight loss programs work best? 
Which popular weight loss programs work best?
A new study shows that long-term success is hard to come by.
6 minutes of yoga for a better night’s sleep  Featured
6 minutes of yoga for a better night’s sleep
Simple stretching techniques can help you nod off faster.
Majority of high school kids lack sleep 
Majority of high school kids lack sleep
Another study finds that young people are not getting the shut-eye they need.