What’s the difference between yoga and Pilates? 
What’s the difference between yoga and Pilates?
Learn their differences and similarities.
An expert answers questions about schizophrenia 
An expert answers questions about schizophrenia
Know the signs and support you can offer to loved ones with mental illness.
Can you balance on 1 foot? 
Can you balance on 1 foot?
This simple test may predict how long you will live.
Do you get frequent bloody noses? 
Do you get frequent bloody noses?
Learn when you should seek medical attention.
Can your smartwatch save your life? 
Can your smartwatch save your life?
Nearly half of all Americans have some type of cardiovascular disease. But some people may not even be aware that their hearts are at risk.
6 ways to improve your good cholesterol 
6 ways to improve your good cholesterol
Learn how to raise your “good” cholesterol.
6 myths women hear about getting fit  Featured
6 myths women hear about getting fit
Getting a toned physique is not just about hours of cardio and limiting calories.