7 ways to take care of caregivers 
7 ways to take care of caregivers
November is National Family Caregivers Month. Here are a few tips to help make life easier.
Get active in the classroom 
Get active in the classroom
Just four minutes of physical activity can improve kids’ behavior in school.
An NBA thumb injury? 
An NBA thumb injury?
An expert surgeon explains Jimmy Butler’s recent injury.
Can weight loss surgery reduce your diabetes risk? 
Can weight loss surgery reduce your diabetes risk?
According to a new study out of Great Britain, researchers say this surgery can improve your odds.
A treadmill at your desk can improve your mental health 
A treadmill at your desk can improve your mental health
The health benefits of walking to work are proven. But now, walking at your desk can take you to the next level.
U.S. college students healthier than U.K. counterparts 
U.S. college students healthier than U.K. counterparts
Learn more about why American students are more health conscious than their peers across the pond.
Getting your child from couch potato to physically fit 
Getting your child from couch potato to physically fit
Parents can play a key role in helping their kids move from video screens to a more active, healthy life.