Knee surgeries linked to obesity  Featured
Knee surgeries linked to obesity
A recent study makes the connection between increasing amount of knee replacements and rising obesity in the U.S.
Baby boomers not interested in having fun at the gym 
Baby boomers not interested in having fun at the gym
New research says motivation to exercise for recreation declines with age.
3 stretches to do at your desk  Featured
3 stretches to do at your desk
Tight, tense muscles after sitting at a desk all day? Check out this video.
New guidelines for spotting sleep apnea 
New guidelines for spotting sleep apnea
Portable monitors may be the way to go, but they aren’t for everyone, experts say.
Older web users have better health 
Older web users have better health
Researchers say people 50 and older who are frequent Internet users tend to have better health habits than those who don’t.
Sunshine good medicine for nurses, study says 
Sunshine good medicine for nurses, study says
Nurses who get plenty of exposure to daylight are happier, communicate better and serve their patients more effectively.
Running just a few times a week can help you live longer 
Running just a few times a week can help you live longer
A new study shows that even a moderate amount of exercise may extend your life.