Enjoying your workout could be key to eating less 
Enjoying your workout could be key to eating less
Find out how why new research says your daily exercise may reduce indulging.
Infographic: How pets make us happier  Featured
Infographic: How pets make us happier
Are you a pet owner? Here’s how your animal is helping you.
You are what you eat 
You are what you eat
Take some tips from nutrition expert, Dr. Ian Smith.
Bike sharing programs lack key safety feature: Helmets 
Bike sharing programs lack key safety feature: Helmets
Only about 20 to 25 percent of bicyclists wear helmets. Get the details on bike safety.
Gender differences in marathon running 
Gender differences in marathon running
See what a new study says men do differently than women during a race.
Living life to the fullest with Down syndrome  Featured
Living life to the fullest with Down syndrome
Through role models and support, see how one man keeps his life on the healthy track.
Can kids with breathing deficiencies still be active?  Featured
Can kids with breathing deficiencies still be active?
Our expert says yes. Read more.