Ballpark food working against kids’ health 
Ballpark food working against kids’ health
Food eaten at ball games tends to strike out in the nutrition department. Learn how you can eat better during a game.
Part 2: Focusing on fitness 
Part 2: Focusing on fitness
As I continue on my weight loss journey, I’m beginning to realize how important it is to stay active.
Pre-conditioning key to avoiding summer injuries  Featured
Pre-conditioning key to avoiding summer injuries
Check out these tips to minimize the risk of injuries for kids and adults.
Stuck in a creative rut? Go for a stroll! 
Stuck in a creative rut? Go for a stroll!
A new study finds that taking a walk can get your creative juices flowing.
What is an occupational therapist? 
What is an occupational therapist?
In recognition of National Occupational Therapy Month, we checked in with an OT at Advocate Sherman Hospital to learn more about the profession.
Fighting stress with companions 
Fighting stress with companions
Experts say that coping with stress may be as simple as having a friend who can relate to your situation.
3 tips to curb cancer cost concerns 
3 tips to curb cancer cost concerns
See how to alleviate financial worries and turn the focus on physical and emotional well-being.