Benefits of vitamin D supplements debatable 
Benefits of vitamin D supplements debatable
New research finds little health benefit for healthy adults to take the “sunshine vitamin.”
If you snooze, you lose 
If you snooze, you lose
Experts say those few extra minutes of sleep may negatively affect your whole day.
Boost workouts with plyometrics  Featured
Boost workouts with plyometrics
Try this old-fashioned workout for big results.
Men: Get moving to help your heart 
Men: Get moving to help your heart
A new study finds a strong link between sedentary behavior and an increased risk of heart failure, especially for males.
College students not getting proper nutrition 
College students not getting proper nutrition
A new study finds that college kids have less access to nutritious food than ever before.
CVS pharmacies to stop selling tobacco products 
CVS pharmacies to stop selling tobacco products
One of the largest pharmacies in the U.S. has decided to stop selling tobacco products in an effort to improve the health of its customers.
How your pet is paying you back 
How your pet is paying you back
A new study uncovers how pets can actually help you be more social and have better relationships.