Selfie life-saver 
Selfie life-saver
New smartphone technology offers a simple way to check your cholesterol levels using a self-portrait.
Your hand sanitizer: Effective or harmful? 
Your hand sanitizer: Effective or harmful?
Leading experts say some hand sanitizers aren’t more effective than a good ole-fashioned hand wash.
Sleep disorder linked to high blood pressure 
Sleep disorder linked to high blood pressure
A new study finds that treating sleep apnea may lower hard-to-control high blood pressure.
How music boosts your workout 
How music boosts your workout
Interesting new research claims the sounds your workout equipment makes can actually help take your workout to the next level.
How mood shopping impacts your wallet 
How mood shopping impacts your wallet
Compulsive spending on a whim may cause major damage to your credit.
Can bathing in vitamins boost your health? 
Can bathing in vitamins boost your health?
First it was vitamin shots, then vitamin drips — now a growing number of folks are splashing around in vitamin C-infused showers to help improve their health.
Is pain a requirement for exercise? 
Is pain a requirement for exercise?
When you push yourself hard it can be difficult to know the difference between muscle soreness and injury. Get the facts.